AML Compliance Software for Casinos and Gaming Institutions
You’re ready for a better AML Solution
You have to comply with anti-money laundering (AML) regulations, just like traditional financial institutions. However, the diversity of your patrons along with the frequency and volume of transactions — much of it cash-based — makes your industry a target for money launderers, complicating casino AML programs. And your most valuable patrons can be the ones that require the most attention during onboarding.
So how do you provide an exceptional patron experience and still meet your AML requirements?
You Need an AML Compliance Solution That Works For You
Get a Daily Update of Patron Risk
Alessa provides you with a comprehensive update on patron risk, highlighting the patrons whose risk scores have surpassed your establishment’s risk threshold in the last 24 hours.
A 360° View of Each Patron
Alessa 360 provides a complete view of patron information and activities, making suspicious activity easier to investigate and resolve.
Meets Unique Needs
You don’t work for a bank, so we don’t treat you like you do. Alessa has developed a unique AML platform to help simplify compliance for gaming establishments.
Expedited Processes and Results
We've streamlined and automated many of the time-consuming AML tasks so you can focus on investigation and the next steps to help keep your establishment compliant.
Reduced False Positives
Alessa uses machine learning and rules-based advanced analytics to minimize false positives, giving you more time to further investigate and report suspicious activity.
Ongoing Expert Support
From your first conversation with our risk experts to the ongoing support offered by our account managers and support team, we help you strengthen and streamline your AML program.
Alessa's Integrated AML Platform for Gaming Establishments Offers You
Validate Patrons in Real-Time with Identity Verification and KYC for Casinos
Integrating with your onboarding system, Alessa verifies identities in real-time and creates a more comprehensive risk profile of your patrons.
Avoid Risky Patrons With Sanctions Screening for the Gaming Industry
With Alessa, screening can be done at various points in your establishment’s relationships with patrons, including onboarding and any subsequent visits.
Detect Suspicious Patterns With Gaming Transaction Monitoring
Monitoring every type of cage transaction (i.e. deposits, wires, checks), Alessa offers you a holistic view of your data to help identify suspicious activities. Our casino and gaming AML software monitors for casino-specific events such as chip walking, bill stuffing and minimal play.
Risk Scoring You Control
Using data from various sources, Alessa allows you to develop a risk scoring model that matches your establishment’s risk tolerance so you can easily assess of the risks of working with a patron. Alessa also reviews your establishment’s customer base and updates risk levels based on activity and third-party data.
Enhance Collaboration With Case Management
Alessa’s automated case management solution makes collaboration on investigations easier within your team and across the organization.
Automate Regulatory Reporting
With Alessa, your regulatory reports (CTRs, CDRs, SARs, LCTRs and STRs) can be auto-populated, validated, and electronically submitted across multiple jurisdictions.

Schedule a Free Demo
You’re ready for a better compliance solution.
Book your complimentary demo of our Casino AML Software Solution today.
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