“There are no shortcuts or tricks, just a long tough road, but we will continue to be unreasonable in pursuing big audacious goals.”


Toronto, ON – April 27, 2020 – CaseWare RCM, maker of financial crime-fighting software Alessa, has been named one of the 50 Leading Companies for 2020 by Silicon Review.


The magazine recognized CaseWare RCM for its simplification of the fight against money laundering, fraud and other financial crimes.


“Being recognized for our leadership in the field of anti-money laundering and financial crime-fighting software solutions is an honor for me and our skilled experts at Alessa. We are proud to make a state-of-the art solution for complying with anti-money laundering regulations and fraud prevention,” said Andrew Simpson, chief operating officer for CaseWare RCM.


The top 50 list, with CaseWare RCM appearing in the second spot, was released by The Silicon Review as it released its annual profile for the 50 Leading Companies of the year 2020.


In an interview with the magazine, The Silicon Review described Simpson as a “formidable leader” with a clear vision of where the company plans to be in the coming years.


“We will own a significant chunk of the financial crime software market in two years,” said Simpson. “There are no shortcuts or tricks, just a long tough road, but we will continue to be unreasonable in pursuing big audacious goals.”


CaseWare RCM Inc., is a division of CaseWare International and is focused on building great software to fight financial crimes. Alessa, CaseWare RCM’s flagship product, is used in more than 20 countries by banking, insurance, fintech, gaming, manufacturing and retail companies to prevent money laundering, breaches in internal controls, and fraud. Alessa is also used for sanctions screening of clients and vendors, insurance fraud prevention and continuous controls monitoring applications like taxation compliance and expenses monitoring.


One of the reasons that Alessa is chosen by organizations is that it is a versatile and modular solution that can be quickly integrated with existing infrastructure and scales with organizations as their size and needs grow. Alessa also offers depth in functionality ­ ̶  allowing organizations to use one solution for all their continuous controls monitoring, anti-money laundering compliance and fraud prevention needs.


To learn more about Alessa’s crime fighting solutions, contact us today.



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